Pastoral Transition
The status of our pastoral transition is that "It's All Good". It may seem like a long time, but what we have accomplished in 10 months is amazing. As a result of the Holy Cow survey and analysis we identified three goals:
Ongoing communication and transparency between lay leadership, church staff and the congregation. Your participation has been one of the main reasons for our success. Today we have over 30 congregation members actively participating in transition activities. With periodic church updates and the newsletter we hope that everyone feels a part of the process.
An emphasis on Stewardship. You have participated with your hands, skills, ideas and now with your financial support for 2025. Stewardship pledges are still being collected (have you sent in yours?).
Solving the manse question. We have listed the manse for sale and the details will be shared with you once finalized. Being in this place on November 1st will put us in a good position to buy a replacement manse in 2025 for our next pastor.
Our Pastor Nominating Committee has had its first meeting. They will be busy with putting together a job description and financial package over the next month or two. Then the job will be posted and the actual search will begin.
To add more stability between now and the hiring of our next pastor, Session has decided to hire a part-time Bridge Pastor. We hope to interview for the position and get this person in place as soon as we can. Please pray for us.
Our success along every step of the way tells us that God is here and He will provide the pastor we need. The hard part of our transition is behind us. We look forward to 2025! It's All Good!