Staff and Leadership
The ministry of Pleasantville Presbyterian Church is only possible because of the resources God has given us, especially the people God has placed here. Our Staff and Volunteers are dedicated and active in the life and ministry of our church.
Jane Wong
Project Coordinator
Jane has been part of our congregation since her children were little but joined the staff in 2015 as the Director of our Loaves and Fishes Food Ministry and Parish Social Worker. She lives in Pleasantville with her husband Pono.
Email Jane here
JoAnna Tivnan
Office Administrator
Jo Anna has been part of our church since October 2010. She lives in Croton-on-Hudson with her husband Tom and her three children, Olivia, Eliza, and Thomas.
Email JoAnna here
Ruth Fischer
Director, Great Beginnings Preschool
Ruth has been a lively part of our congregation for years and began teaching at Great Beginnings since 1984, later becoming the director. She lives in Pleasantville with her husband Eugene.
Email Ruth here
Music Staff
David Macdonald
Director of Music
Dave has been our Director of Music and adult Choir Director since 2000. He and his wife Ellen, a singer, live in Ossining with their daughter Elizabeth.
Email David here
Arno Steinig
Arno Steinig was born in Herzberg, Germany and is a Fellow and Choir Master with American Guild of Organists as well a chemist with R.S.A. Corporation in Danbury.
Email Arno here