Church Financials

How money is spent at PPC

Here’s our breakdown for the different expenses covered by our budget.:

-Worship and Choir:

-Property & Facilities: upkeep of church, carriage house and manse

-Administrative: salaries of office assistant and pastor (when we have one!) and office supplies

-Christian Ed & Youth: youth leader

-Mission & Outreach

-Church Growth & Development

Narrative: Considering we don’t have a pastor, we are managing very well. We are aiming towards hiring a new pastor in 2025. In order to accomplish that, we are seeking to increase our giving rates as well as other forms of income. Sum total will need to be sufficient to be able to hire and retain the right pastor for our church.

As of June 2024, we are xx% of the way to our 2024 budget.

Giving Rates: ?

Now, how can you contribute?

Multiple ways!

1. Cash or check weekly in plate or mailed to church.

Our mailing address is 400 Bedford Road, Pleasantville, NY 10570.

2. Online via Vanco.

This can be a one-time donation or set up to be recurring regularly on a schedule of your choice.

3. Venmo;

4. Donations of funds; or

5. Bequests in wills or trusts.