Eco Justice: Caring for Creation

We view ourselves as stewards of God’s Creation and recognize that we play a pivotal role in taking care of this one earth that we share of all God’s creations.

Our goal is for the church community and for the greater community to engage collectively and as individuals in sustainability practices. Furthermore, we seek to take action toward the duality of ecological justice and social justice or EcoJustice as we take responsibility for living sustainable lives.

Our Projects

Renewable Energy:
In the fall of 2018, we installed solar panels on the education wing. The initiative was led by sustainability-minded members of the church, several of whom have solar panels on their homes. We aim to serve as a model for other churches, businesses, and individuals in the community to invest in renewable energy.

Want to see how we’re doing? Click here to check out our solar panel metrics!

Solar Panels on our main building.

Solar Panels on our main building.

Zero Waste Sustainable Fellowship Hour:
The concept of Zero Waste is to redesign the lifecycle of all materials such that everything is reused; the goal is to have zero items in any trash bin. Following each of our Sunday Worship services, Fellowship Hour is a community time of conversation over food and coffee. To attain the goal of zero waste, we reuse by using coffee mugs instead of paper cups, spoons in place of plastic stirrers; we compost organic waste such as coffee grounds and tea bags; we recycle any paper, plastic, metal, or other recyclable material; we track how we’re doing by measuring the small amount of trash leftover that gets sent to the landfill. Our goal: zero trash sent to the landfill after Fellowship Hour!


Rummage Sale:
Perhaps the epitome of our EcoJustice work is the annual Rummage Sale. In an effort to simultaneously keep items from landfills and to provide an opportunity for families to access quality, gently-used, low-cost furniture / clothes / shoes / toys / tools / kitchenware / linens / and a multitude of other valuable household items, the Rummage sale sustains our community and our environment. We welcome all and invite you to volunteer, shop, or a combination of the two every year in the Spring.
